Thirty- four Drivers this week for round 4 of the summer league.
Simon Pole was top qualifier in GT12 with Richard Norris second, Chelle Snowden third and Adam Hancock fourth – all with 36 Laps. Louis Parker was quickest in LMP12 having 40 Laps with Karl Norris second on 39.
New club member Jacob Milne won the GT12 “D” Final with Kevin Flamson taking second place and Ian Craig finishing third. Well done Jacob !!!
Visiting driver Paul Dewsnap was the winner of the “C” Final, Gaz de Roeck finished second with Josh Freeman third and Ethan Wardle fourth.
The “B” Final was a very close race with Sam Pope taking the win just over four seconds ahead of Benn Norris with Saul Theobold having an excellent drive to finish third.
The “A” Final was won by Simon Pole with 37 laps, it was close for the remaining places with Richard Norris, Chelle Snowden, Adam Hancock and visiting driver Andrew Slingsby finishing in second, third, fourth and fifth places all on 36 laps. A great race !
In the last race of the evening, the LMP12 Final, Louis Parker was the winner with 40 laps, Karl Norris was second on 39 laps, Freddie Parker and Dan Stones were third and fourth, each wih 35 Laps.
A fantastic evenings racing.
After four rounds of the Summer league, Simon Pole leads in GT12 F1, Sam Pope F2 and Josh Freeman F3 and Karl Norris in LMP12.
For the full race results follow the link and select Burton Buggy Club. RC-Timing

Next week is Round 5 of the Summer League, booking in as usual by text message to the Clubs Mobile.