29-03-22 Spring League Round 4

Just sixteen drivers this week but still a great evenings racing.

After the three qualifying rounds Chelle Snowden was quickest and took pole position in the A Final with McKenzie Wallace just two seconds slower, both drivers on 38 laps. Richard Norris had 37 laps, Dan Stones 36, with Nick Wallace and Bob Harley both 35 laps to complete the A Final line up.

The C Final was won by Adam Cowell with 32 laps, second place driver was Richard Bates on 31 laps and also setting the quickest lap time of the race. Euan Lees was third, Ian Craig fourth and Kevin Bates fifth – all with 24 laps.

Mike Simpson was the B Final winner on 34 laps with Freddie Parker in second place on the same lap and also having the quickest lap time of the race. Saul Theobold was third with 32 laps, Paul Dewsnap fourth on 30 laps ahead of visiting driver Josh Flanagan with 21.

The A Final saw a great race between Chelle Snowden and McKenzie Wallace with Chelle being the winner by 3.57 seconds, on 37 laps – well done both drivers!. Dan Stones also put in a great performance to take third place on 36 laps ahead of Bob Harley on 35.


After four rounds Bob Harley is now the leader of the F1 League, Chelle Snowden second and Nick Wallace third.
McKenzie Wallace has maximum points in F2 with Dan Stones in second place and Mike Simpson third.
Saul Theobold leads F3, Euan Lees is second and Kevin Bates third.
Remember there are nine rounds in the League and the best six from a possible nine round scores will count.

22-03-22 Spring Trophy Meeting

The first trophy meeting of the year was very competitive, producing some exciting racing, trophies being awarded to the top four drivers in each final.

Ian Craig was the winner of the C Final ahead of Caleb Jones in second place with Kevin Bates taking third and Euan Lees was fourth.

Benn Norris won the B Final being two laps clear of Saul Theobold who had a great drive to take second place, Mike Simpson was third and Richard Bates fourth.

In the A Final Karl Norris was the winner, McKenzie Wallace was just over half a lap down in second place, Kayleigh Knight took third place and Bob Harley finished fourth just ahead of Dan Stones.

The trophies were presented by Bob Harley – yes he won one as well!

A great evenings racing.

Next week is round 4 of the Spring League.

15-03-22 March Clubnight

Another good evenings racing with the usual three qualifying rounds and a final.

The D Final was won by Richard Bates, ahead of Paul Dewsnap who was under two seconds adrift. Caleb Jones took third place and Kevin Bates fourth.

The C Final was very close with Mike Simpson snatching a win in the final few laps from Saul Theobold. Adam Cowell finished third and Tommy Bates fourth.

In the B Final the first three drivers finished on the same lap. Bob Harley was the winner, Mckenzie Wallace second, Nick Wallace third and Dan Stones fourth.

We were then all treated to a tremendous A Final with Louis Parker winning for the second week running, Karl Norris being second and Simon Pole third all with 39 laps. Kayleigh Knight finished fourth on 38 and Ben Norris fifth with 37 laps. A great end to the evenings racing.

Many thanks to everyone who helped set up and store away all the equipment.

See the results page for the full results.

Next week is a Trophy Meeting, pre-booking as usual by text to the clubs mobile.

08-03-22 Spring League Round 3

Round three of the Spring League, the track being similar to the previous week.

Three qualifying rounds and a final with some very close racing.

Louis Parker was top qualifier followed by Karl Norris and Chelle Snowden.

Tommy Bates won the D Final with Richard Bates in second place, Caleb Jones third and Kevin Bates fourth – who will be the top driver in the Bates family next week?????

The C Final soon developed into a battle between the two Adams with Adam Hancock being the winner, Adam Cowell finishing in second place and Saul Theobold third.

Just three cars remained in the B Final after the first minutes racing and all being closely matched for speed it was an exciting race right to the finish. Mike Simpson was the eventual winner, Freddie Parker finished second and Dan Stones third.

Louis Parker won a great A Final, Karl Norris was second, Chelle Snowden third and Richard Norris fourth.

The Winter League trophies were presented by Chelle Snowden, well done to everyone, especially the league winners Karl Norris, Benn Norris, Adam Cowell and Freddie Parker.

Next week is an ordinary clubnight.

22-03-01 Spring League Round 2

Twenty-three drivers this week for round two of the Spring League on carpet just vacuumed clean by Bob Harley and using yet another track design.

Some very competitive racing as usual with Karl Norris being the top qualifier three seconds quicker than Simon Pole, with Kayleigh Knight and Benn Norris taking third and fourth places a lap down.

Euan Lees starting from pole position on the grid had a convincing win with Kevin Bates finishing second and Caleb Jones third.

A win for Freddie Parker in the C Final with some great driving in the last minute of the race to finish three seconds ahead of Adam Hancock in second place with Adam Cowell taking third.

Guy Rogers was the winner of the B Final with Nick Wallace taking second place and Dan Stones third.

The A Final was good to watch with Karl Norris winning, Simon Pole in second place, Kayleigh Knight third and Mckenzie Wallace fourth being the top junior member.

So after two rounds Karl Norris, Mckenzie Wallace and Adam Hancock each have maximum points and lead leagues F1, F2 and F3 respectively.

Round three is next week when the trophies for the winter league will also be presented.